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CarbootsRus Forum

CarbootsRus Forum

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The Site
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old News and Updates 28 40 10:10 05/06/2016
by green1
Old Site bugs / Suggestions 4 6 15:39 15/10/2011
by Marki
Car boots
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old Car boots I've been to 23 37 12:58 06/04/2012
by Eleanor
Old Top 10 car boots 2 3 09:47 02/04/2011
by shopperboy99
Old Car boot information wanted 22 30 08:53 10/08/2013
by granny anna
Old New car boot information 13 13 14:46 14/07/2013
by lintyman
Old Moan about Car Boots 4 6 17:26 21/08/2011
by keefy
Old Other Car Boot stuff 0 0 No Posts
Old Is Law a Donkey? 2 2 07:11 15/11/2007
by john
Car boots by Area
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old Abroad 2 2 07:00 05/06/2017
by ttf236
Old Ireland (N & RoI) 29 36 23:10 11/11/2014
by admin
Old Scotland 5 5 21:19 31/10/2014
by Midlander
Old Wales 2 3 12:26 04/05/2017
by jmc1952
Old North West 0 0 No Posts
Old North East 0 0 No Posts
Old Midlands 5 5 08:11 01/11/2014
by admin
Old South West 2 2 22:41 08/06/2010
by margo
Old South East 1 1 16:43 19/02/2013
by hollie
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old General 2 4 19:49 16/11/2008
by Tom
Old Charity car boots 2 5 09:45 18/02/2008
by ivorydolphin
Old Off Topic 2 2 11:08 13/09/2007
by scott
Old Spam 0 0 No Posts
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old curiosities 2 3 14:50 10/02/2009
by florence
Selling Stuff
Board Name Topics Posts Last Post
Old For Sale 4 4 14:25 06/05/2015
by Mobilequeen
Old Wanted 2 2 13:40 20/04/2008
by mypoppet
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